Wednesday 19 January 2011

Η μάγισσα του φωτός

Το μυθιστόρημα είναι η ιστορία μιας γυναίκας που είχε το χάρισμα να συνδέεται με τις παγκόσμιες ενέργειες και να χρησιμοποιεί τη δύναμή τους. Ήταν γεννημένη με το χάρισμα του ενεργειακού θεραπευτή. Τούτες οι Δυνάμεις και Ενέργειες δεν είναι ούτε καλές ούτε κακές. Είναι μόνο Δυνάμεις και Ενέργειες. Η χρήση τους από τον άνθρωπο είναι αυτή που τις διαφοροποιεί και τις κατατάσσει, όπως εξάλλου συμβαίνει και με όλα τα πράγματα.

Η ιστορία όμως δεν αρκείται να δείξει μόνο αυτό, αλλά και να περιγράψει πως κι ο άνθρωπος ο ίδιος έχει πάντα τη δυνατότητα της επιλογής του δρόμου και της κατεύθυνσης που θα ακολουθήσει κατά την παραμονή του στον κόσμο, όπως και της θέλησης κι επιμονής του ανεξάρτητα από τα εμπόδια, τις αντιξοότητες, τις συμπεριφορές άλλων ή ακόμα και των δραματικών γεγονότων στη ζωή του. Είναι η αιώνια διαμάχη καλού και κακού μες στον ίδιο τον άνθρωπο.

Η πρωταγωνίστρια είναι μια από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους, που κατά τη διάρκεια του ταξιδιού της στον κόσμο, κατάφερε να μείνει μέχρι τέλους προσηλωμένη στο όραμα της ζωής της που είχε επιλέξει, προτού να γεννηθεί, να θέσει.

Monday 1 March 2010

Angels' Gardens A Metaphysical Story

Do Angels Exist?

The last few decades the subject of angels is often dealt with in books, films, t.v. serials. It was always a favorite subject with painters. Music has also been written about them. Generally it seems that it is a subject well liked. Seminars now everywhere inform us about every detail that concerns angels, guardian angels and how to contact them, how to hold discussions with them, how to know their names. The majority of people believe in their existence and why not since so do the greatest religions. There are, of course those skeptics who never accept anything which they do not perceive with their senses.

So, do angels really exist?

The word “angel” has its origin in to the Greek word “angelos” which means the one who carries the message, i.e the messenger. Such an Angel was in Greek mythology Hermes, the messenger of Zeus. He was also the messenger between Heaven and Zeus and the Underworld, the Kingdom of Death. In this capacity he also accompanied the souls of those who died to their last abode.

Human imagination portrayed angels with huge wings with which they presumably fly. As Christian religion also accepts their existence, icons are full of them and there is also ample mention of them in the Old and New Testament. We also meet angels in the Koran. In Hinduism we meet similar entities called devas. In many mystics’ writings we find them with all the hierarchy and numerous names. Actually it is said that there are more angels in existence than humans. This is understandable since it seems they are immortal.

It was, after all, Archangel Gabriel who offered to Virgin Mary the lily and prophesied the birth of the World’ s savior, Christ.

However the question in the Modern World arises again: Do angels exist then?

Well, it depends what exactly we mean with this question. Are there beings with wings flying about which qualify to be called as angels? I doubt it.

Angels belong to the invisible World, a non-material World, a World that definitely exists in other energy levels with different energy vibrations and waves than that of the material world. Any beings, or better energies existing in those worlds need no wings in order to move about. The existence of angels, if any, is not similar to humans. Angels have no form.

Furthermore, since from times immemorial, in different parts of the world there is a belief in their existence must not be ignored. Does this belief spring from an inner knowledge like the belief in God?

Science has up to now confirmed that the whole Universe comprises of different vibrations of energy. Even our material world is just energy. Many different vibrations and waves of energy create different forces in the universe. Some of those energies we are aware of and understand. However there is more that we neither conceive nor understand and we know nothing about. Sometimes only the result of their existence becomes known to us.

I cannot dismiss the belief of millions of people in angels lightheartedly as many do. I am not that arrogant, to dismiss what I do not see as non-existent. The only reasonable explanation I can give, basing my conclusion to both the deep rooted beliefs and to what science has so far discovered, is that angels probably exist but not in human form.

They are those energies close to human energies, easy to come in contact with, and perhaps even assimilate their force. This could explain the guardian angel myth.


It seems that believing in them creates the necessary vibrations to reach them and, as is usually nowadays said, projecting our wish mentally and directing our attention to a desired result, multiplies our own force and energy and affects the energies around us and what we wish is accomplished.

In this sense, yes, angels do exist and, yes we can come into contact with them and have them join us. We must however always remember that angels have no form whatsoever and they are only energies, invisible and intangible.

Gabriella Kasoulidou

Angels’ Gardens –A supernatural story or a philosophical myth

Is there a destiny?

Is there a destiny?

Destiny, Kismet, is a strong belief in the Eastern World. Everyone when born his fate is written and his path predestined. Is this true? Do we accept this dogma? Our Western culture does not. Instead it asserts that: we create our own fate.

Where then lays the truth?

Simply that both beliefs are true.

Eastern people, in all aspects of their life, religion, philosophy and so forth, are basically introverts. They look inside themselves in search of truths and as a consequence they expect that external events will happen anyway, “whatever will be, will be,” their only choice being the way they react to them and face them.

Western people, on the other hand, are extroverts, who look into the external world, their surroundings and want to control and conquer them, being this way more aggressive and consequently they have to believe that they themselves are capable of creating their destiny.

How then can both be true?

When we are born in to this world we carry with us certain inherent qualities, we are born into certain surroundings, in particular families, with hereditary genes, in particular nations. We are born under some or other astrological signs and carry probably our own karma from previous lives. Provided of course you believe in the existence of previous lives. Therefore, in most probability, taking into consideration all those factors, a path of destiny is written. If nothing else happens, if we do nothing but follow that path, if others do not interfere, then our destiny will be as written, kismet is sure.

What happens though when we interfere in some way, if events happen that force us to take a decision or other, or even prevent us from doing just that, if we are given a choice to change our life or surrender to our fate or fight for a different outcome? Can we call that fate? Definitely not!

As I see it everyone is born with a destiny but nothing prevents him from changing that destiny on the way. In some cases with difficulty, I admit, but nevertheless there would not have been free will in man if changing his destiny was out of his reach. It is true, of course, that every time that we take a decision to change our life and we take a first step towards it, we are creating instantly another destiny, a different kismet which awaits us at the end of the road. This does not mean that we cannot always change that route too.

Many books have been published about how man creates his own destiny depending not only on what decisions he takes but what thoughts he makes or words he uses. The truth is that we, by our every action, thought or feeling create different energy waves that carry our will out there. But even that doesn’t it show that we are exercising our own free will? After all this is amongst others, what makes us human.

Gabriella Kasoulidou

Angels’ Gardens-A metaphysical story or a philosophical Myth

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Elementary Instructions to Meditation

As Meditation is today more necessary than ever due to the growing difficulties of life, elementary instructions for the Western man are appropriate in order to enable him to go through everyday problems and difficulties with less efforts. My article above is aiming towards that and as I am a strong believer in meditation and I consider this practice necessary in our life same as sleeping. Reading it, I believe will help everybody.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Angels' Gardens

When I felt the need to search what is beyond what meets the eye and started a road that led me here today little did I know That I would eventually feel the need to share and communicate my experiences, my thoughts and beliefs and what I feel are the truths revealed during meditation all these 30years. This is how all my books came about together with the need to exchange with others similar or different experiences and beliefs believing that this will also help me and others at the same time. So I do invite and welcome any comments or experiences and I am awaiting for them hopefully.

Angels' Gardens

Angels’ Gardens - A Metaphysical Story
Gabriella Kasoulidou’s Angels’ Gardens is an inspiring story of self-discovery and enlightenment that opens doors to endless possibilities.

Angels' Gardens

PRLog (Press Release) – Oct 21, 2009 – Michaella, a young Greek woman, questions whether she has a destiny or if she possesses free will.

At a crucial period in her life, and open to other avenues of thinking, she realizes that her existence is not limited to that of her present world. Learning that she can and does inhabit a different energy field, she frees herself to explore such questions as: Are we masters of our life and to what extent? Is there an end to life or just another beginning and is time a reality in all worlds?

Breaking free of limitations, Michaella finds herself in other planes of existence. She adopts an orphan boy, becomes a writer, and meets the love of her life. Guiding her through are those inhabitants of another existence, angels, who become guides to her discovering what had always been within her reach; her soul’s calling and true, infinite love.

Kasoulidou’s story combines science, philosophy, and the real essence of religion to create a magical and inspiring novel that readers will remember long after its exquisite ending.

Publisher’s website: ...
ISBN: 978-1-60860-997-0

About the Author:
Gabriella Kasoulidou is a writer and former lawyer and shipbroker. Mrs. Kasoulidou is currently writing her next book and lives with her husband, Antonis, near Athens, Greece.

For media inquiries, appearances, or other publicity — please contact:
Ellen Green —

Strategic Book Group
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